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Social NCLEX Test Questions

4.8 ( 6528 ratings )
Ensino Medical
Developer: Blue Equity LLC
1.99 USD

350+ Common Medications
700+ Drug Flash Cards
100+ Mnemonics and brain tricks
100+ Common Lab Values & Diagnostic Reference
300+ Drug NCLEX style questions w/ explanations
9 Practical Nursing Tools
Access to online and mobile versions
Includes the ability to add notes throughout the app!

- The most up-to-date, essential, and easy-to-use nurse drug reference available to pass the updated April 2016 NCLEX guidelines that will be in effect for the next three years.
- 116 most common medication classifications/categories used with information such as mechanisms of action, vital signs to watch for, relevant labs, common/adverse side effects, and nursing considerations for each.
- Over 350 common medications (generic and brand name) used within the classifications with all possible routes of administration information and nursing considerations for each that include therapeutic levels and antidotes.
- Close to 1000 flashcards to help you study in a different format and cement your understanding
- Over 300 NCLEX style questions with detailed explanations to help you test your knowledge
- Helpful mnemonics and acronyms used throughout the app to help you study and learn the information in the easiest way.
- Common lab values and diagnostic reference. Contains valuable information such as normal ranges, indications, explanations & clinical significance
- Includes 9 lists of helpful nursing tools:
1. ID, SQ, IM, IV gauges, sizes, and indications
2. Normal vital signs for all ages
3. Common conversions including volume, mass, height, weight, and temperature
4. Medication administration information including: PO, SQ, IM, IV, Topical, Inhalation, Ophthalmic, Ear, Sublingual, Buccal, Intravaginal, and Rectal
5. Isolation precautions information, standard/universal, contact, droplet, airborne
6. Pregnancy categories, including meds that should be avoided
7. Substance abuse schedules
8. Common medication administration abbreviations
9. EKG Lead & Pad Placements

- All of the information is web-based (, will be able to access on all forms of tools, mobile phones, tablets, and laptops.
- Ability to register and personalize the app by adding notes throughout entire app that becomes available on all forms of access tools.
- Ability add you own category and drugs
- Ability to scroll and search by medication classification
- Ability to search by both generic and trade name
- Auto-complete to predict the name you seek
- Tabbed browsing to find the information you need fast
- Optimized for phones & tablets
- Two practice modes: Simulation and Study

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